Personal Injury

Falls And Spinal Cord Injuries

Falls And Spinal Cord Injuries

It’s an aging population in the United States; that’s the main reason more people are disabled and applying for disability benefits in recent years. It’s also why more people are being injured in slip-and-fall accidents and trip-and-fall accidents. When a fall that injures you is caused by another party’s negligence – whether that party is an individual, a business, or a government agency – you can file a premises liability lawsuit and potentially be reimbursed for your injury-related expenses. If you’ve been injured because of another party’s negligence in the Los Angeles area, contact an experienced Los Angeles premises liability attorney as quickly as possible for the advice and representation that you’ll need.

Slip-and-fall accidents and trip-and-fall accidents – particularly among the elderly – are now the leading cause of traumatic spinal cord injuries in the United States according to researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Data also suggests that more efforts to prevent falls could significantly lower the number of spinal cord injuries, especially those suffered by the elderly. Johns Hopkins researchers recently studied a sample of more than 43,000 adults treated for spinal cord injuries in hospital emergency rooms throughout the U.S. from 2007 through 2009. Falls were the leading cause of traumatic spinal cord injuries, responsible for 41.5 percent of those injuries. The average age of adults with a traumatic spinal cord injury is 51; that’s ten years older than the average age of spinal cord injury victims only a decade ago.

Anyone or any company that owns a property that’s open to the public – and especially a restaurant, supermarket, or even a parking lot – should take appropriate measures to prevent slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall injuries from happening. If you’re injured in a slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accident on another party’s property in the Los Angeles area, now or in the future, obtain immediately the legal representation that you’re going to need and contact an experienced Los Angeles premises liability attorney at once.