Social Security

It’s A Partnership

How To Select A Disability Attorney

If you need to receive Social Security disability benefits in southern California, your first step is retaining the services of an experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney. But that doesn’t mean that you get to sit back and do nothing. In fact, you can and should do a great deal to help your attorney while your attorney works to obtain your benefits.

  1. Have your medical records. Without medical records, you simply can’t win. The Social Security Administration assumes that if you haven’t seen a doctor and you have no medical records, you cannot be genuinely disabled. If you have no insurance and cannot afford treatment, you are probably eligible for one of several medical assistance programs in southern California, and your attorney should be able to recommend one.
  2. Keep in touch with your attorney. You may be working with your lawyer for a year or more before you actually receive your benefits. Check in occasionally, and especially let your attorney know if your address, phone number, or medical condition changes.
  3. List your doctors and other healthcare providers including counselors and rehab therapists. Give your attorney a complete list with names, phone numbers, addresses, and email.
  4. Have your own witnesses. These could be family members, co-workers or supervisors, or anyone with knowledge about you and your disability. Your witnesses do not have to appear in person, but they should sign statements or declarations prepared with the assistance of your attorney.

You may have to make several visits for medical treatment or diagnosis, and you may have to appear at least at one hearing and possibly more. When you retain the services of an experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney, it’s a partnership, and you have an important role to play. Of course, you have to take the first step, so if you need to receive benefits, call a good disability lawyer today. There’s no reason to wait.