Personal Injury

When A Dog Bites You (Or Your Child)

When A Dog Bites You (Or Your Child)

California led the nation in lethal dog bite attacks in 2013. Sixty percent of those tragic dog bite fatality cases resulted in criminal charges. Although fatalities are rare, over 800,000 people require medical treatment for dog bite-related injuries every year, and about half of those who need medical attention are children. When a dog bites a person in the Los Angeles area, under California law the dog’s owner is “strictly liable.” That means that even if a dog has not previously been considered dangerous, a court may order the dog’s owner to reimburse a bite victim for medical treatment and related expenses. If you need to sue a dog owner over a dog bite injury, get advice and help right away from an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer. To receive damages, a dog bite victim must prove:

  • that an injury actually happened
  • that the defendant is the dog’s legal owner
  • that the victim was injured on open public property or was legally on private property and not trespassing

Of course, if a dog bite occurs, seek medical attention immediately. If the dog exhibits rabies symptoms or cannot be found, your doctor may order rabies vaccinations. Immediately after receiving medical attention, arrange at once to speak with a personal injury attorney. The right personal injury lawyer may be able to help you receive compensation for your medical costs, lost income, and in some cases for pain and suffering as well. Make and retain copies of any legal, medical, or insurance papers related to any dog bite case. Don’t accept a settlement or speak with any insurance company before consulting an attorney. In the Los Angeles area and elsewhere in southern California, when a dog bites and causes an injury, call an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer as quickly as possible.