Social Security

Autistic Children May Receive SSD Benefits

Autistic Children May Receive SSD Benefits

The Harvard School of Public Health is reporting that it takes between $67,000 and $72,000 annually in medical and nonmedical costs to care for a child diagnosed with autism. That can be a significant burden on any family. Doctor visits, medicines, therapy, education, and child care expenses all have to be considered. Low income families with an autistic child are at a particular disadvantage. If you have a child who’s been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, your child may be eligible to receive Social Security Disability benefits. SSD benefits were created to ease these kinds of burdens and to assure that disabled children receive the treatment and support they need.

A child is disabled and eligible for SSD benefits if he or she:

  • is under age 18
  • isn’t working at a job classified by Social Security as “substantial” work
  • has a mental or physical condition (or both) causing severe functional limitations, and
  • this condition has persisted (or is expected to) for one year (or end in death)

If autism prevents your child from participating in or completing age-appropriate activities, he or she probably qualifies for SSD benefits. When you seek to obtain disability benefits for your child, Social Security compares your child’s condition against the guidelines listed in Social Security’s “blue book,” which outlines a number of disabling conditions. You’ll have to prove that your child’s autism is the cause of developmental deficits in age-appropriate social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, and imaginative behavior. Social Security will also want evidence that your child’s activities and interests are severely limited.

An experienced Social Security disability attorney can aid your case with medical evidence and with expert testimony. If your child has been diagnosed with autism, speak right away with a good Social Security disability lawyer. Your disability attorney will guide you step-by-step through the application process and hearings, and he or she will fight diligently for the financial compensation that your family needs and deserves.