Social Security

Dispelling Stereotypes And Prejudices

What Not To Do In An SSD Benefits Hearing

In October, the CBS news program 60 Minutesfeatured a story targeting Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs. Sadly, the report seemed likely to reinforce some negative stereotypes and wrong-headed prejudices against disability programs and their recipients. Every American has an interest in knowing the truth about SSDI.

Those filing for SSDI benefits are required by law to prove both their disability and its extent. Only 40% of applicants are eventually granted benefits, even after appeals, and that percentage is dropping. No private attorney or physician can guarantee a ruling that favors the person seeking disability benefits. Approval for Social Security disability benefits is granted only when a Social Security Administrative Law Judge or a Social Security physician determines that the legal and medical standards for disability have been satisfied.

Social Security actuaries report that SSDI’s growth is due to changing demographics; an aging population is more frequently injured, meaning more disability. More people hire Social Security disability attorneys to represent them because some disabilities can be difficult to prove and because benefits are difficult to win. Those receiving SSDI benefits receive only about half of what they were earning prior to their disability, and they die at three times the rate of non-disabled Americans their own age. SSDI is a necessary program making life with dignity possible for millions of disability sufferers.

If you have any disability that keeps you from working, you should speak to an experienced disability attorney. You may be eligible for SSDI, but proving your case to the Social Security Administration can be challenging. A good disability lawyer will help you prove your disability and the extent to which it keeps you from working. Don’t wait any longer to apply for benefits that are rightfully yours; speak to an experienced Social Security Disability attorney today.