Workers' Compensation

Workers’ Comp Basics

Workers’ Comp Basics

In California, when a worker is injured on the job or become sick due to the job, instead of filing a personal injury claim, the worker may file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. To win a workers’ compensation claim, you really need to have the help of a good workers’ comp lawyer who knows the system well and who can help you file your claim in an accurate and timely fashion. In southern California, if you need to receive workers’ compensation benefits, speak at once with an experienced Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney.

Typically, California worker’s compensation benefits include your medical treatment and a percentage of your wages. To qualify for benefits, you must meet two criteria: you must be the employee of a company that carries workers’ compensation insurance, and you must be injured or acquire an illness at your job or through your job-related duties. Temporary disability benefits are paid for up to two years from the time of your injury (or until you have recovered and returned to work). A worker disabled for a longer period may claim further disability benefits at the end of the two years.

If an injury leads to an employee’s permanent disability, he or she may seek permanent workers’ compensation disability benefits. In California, a permanent disability must be reported by a treating physician. A claims administrator then rates the claim and determines the final percentage and amount of permanent disability benefits. Injured workers may appeal the decisions of claims administrators. Workers’ compensation also provides death benefits to the dependents of workers who die as the result of job-related injuries or illnesses. A good workers’ comp lawyer can explain the procedure and guide you through it. If you’ve been injured at work and you need to receive worker’s compensation benefits in southern California, speak with an experienced Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney as quickly as possible.