Workers who are injured on the job in California are protected by the state’s workers’ compensation system. Workers’ compensation covers medical expenses for job-related injuries. It also supplements an injured employee’s income while that employee is unable to work. Employers benefit from workers’ compensation because they cannot be sued by employees injured on the job. Nevertheless, some employers would prefer not to pay workers’ compensation insurance or to deal with injury claims. These employers discourage injured workers from filing for benefits by bullying, harassing, abusing, and even firing them. That’s against the law. In southern California, if you are injured at work now or in the future, promptly contact an experienced Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney.
A good workers’ compensation lawyer makes sure that your claim is filed fully, accurately, and on time. A good workers’ comp lawyer will also act to protect you from any form of employer retaliation. Under the California Labor Code, it is illegal for an employer to retaliate in any way against an employee because the employee files a workers’ comp claim. Insurance companies are barred from suggesting to employers that an injured employee should be fired; insurers may not threaten employers with policy cancellation or higher premiums if the employer fails to retaliate against the worker. If a workers’ compensation claim is disputed and a hearing is required, the law also protects coworkers from retaliation when they testify on behalf of an injured worker.
In southern California, when you’re injured at the workplace, don’t wait to seek legal help. An experienced Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney will defend your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. As early as possible, have a good workers’ compensation lawyer evaluate your case. You have an absolute right to be free of threats and intimidation. If you’ve suffered a workplace injury, learn your options and rights by speaking right away with an experienced Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney.