Some disabled individuals in some circumstances may be able to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) at the same time. “Concurrent” benefits may be available when a recipient approved for SSDI receives only a minimal monthly payment. That can happen if you haven’t worked much in recent years or received only low or part-time wages. In southern California, an experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney can help you determine if you’re eligible for SSDI, SSI, or both. If you’re disabled, don’t wait to make the call and get the help you need.
If your income and assets are low enough to qualify for SSI benefits, and you paid enough into the Social Security system to qualify for SSDI, it’s possible to receive both types of benefits at once. However, your SSDI benefit is included in calculating eligibility for SSI, and in many cases, an SSDI payment is sufficient to disqualify you for SSI benefits. You won’t receive a higher monthly combined benefit than you would receive under SSI alone. Your SSI payment will be lowered by your SSDI payment to match the maximum SSI payment amount. Whether you apply for SSI, SSDI, or both, the Social Security Administration will handle your claim in exactly the same way. The same definition of disability and the same disability evaluation process is used for both programs.
Applying for disability benefits is complicated. You’ll need to compile information about your finances, your medical condition, and your past employment. Most initial applications are denied, but many are awarded benefits after they appeal that initial denial. If you need to receive disability benefits in southern California, or if you’ve already been denied benefits and need to file an appeal, discuss your case at once with an experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney.