Personal Injury

Don’t Make These Mistakes

Don’t Make These Mistakes

If you are injured in a traffic accident because of another driver’s negligence in southern California, speak at once with an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney. In many cases you can be compensated for your medical expenditures and related expenses. Mistakes can be costly, however, and may cause your lawsuit to fall short. Avoid making these common errors:

1. Not taking proper action at the scene of the accident. If you’re in a traffic accident and there’s any injury, call the police and seek medical attention at once. (If you’re too injured to make the 911 call, try to have someone else do it). Most cell phones include a camera; try to take photos of the damage to your vehicle and the license plates of all vehicles involved. Also, if possible, take pictures of your injury both before and after treatment. Try also to get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses, and get the other driver’s insurance information. Remain calm and do not under any circumstances admit any fault. The accident scene is a time and place where anything you say might be used against you.

2. Not fully documenting everything that happens after the collision. Keep and copy the complete documentation of your injury and medical condition. Also keep track of any income lost because of your injury.

3. Speaking to an insurance company or to any other party in the case. Just don’t. A good personal injury lawyer will handle all discussions and negotiations on your behalf.

4. Failing to obtain or continue medical treatment. Failure to see a physician or keep medical appointments could be used later by the insurance company as evidence that you’re not really very injured, and the longer you wait to seek medical treatment, the more difficult it becomes to prove that your injuries were caused by the traffic accident. It is vital to see a doctor and keep your scheduled appointments; it also lets the doctor thoroughly document your injury and validate your claim.

5. Another mistake some make after they’re injured in a traffic collision: failing to enlist the help of a good personal injury lawyer. That’s an imperative. If you’re injured by a negligent driver in any collision in southern California, now or in the future, get legal help at once from an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney.