Personal Injury

Don’t Make These Driving Mistakes


When you’ve been driving for a few years, you’ve probably already been in one or more accidents. Remember how you drove with such extreme caution the first few times you got behind the wheel after an accident? But if you’re like most of us, over time, your memory of the accident faded, and your driving again became more relaxed – and maybe even a bit lackadaisical. No driver is perfect – we’re all human – so every driver can develop better driving habits and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. But even when you’re doing your best, another driver can crash into you and cause you to be seriously injured.

If you’re injured in or near Los Angeles because another driver was negligent, your legal options include a personal injury lawsuit. Immediately after any accident with injuries, speak with an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer. For your own part, you can start being a better driver by avoiding the three biggest mistakes drivers make prior to accidents:

1. Distracted driving (including texting): When you drive, turn off the cell phone. Leave take-out food in the bag. Don’t read, and don’t fix your make-up. If you must have music, don’t constantly adjust it.

2. Speeding and reckless driving: Speed is an element in about one-third of all fatal crashes. If you tend to drive fast, leave for your destinations a bit earlier. Being late is much better than never arriving at all.

3. Driving under the influence: In 2013, more than 10,000 people died in alcohol-related accidents in the United States. If you plan to drink, don’t plan to drive. Arrange for a designated driver or call a cab, a limo, or a ride service. Take a bus. Stay over at a friend’s. Anything is better than a night in jail – or in the morgue.

After any accident, do not admit fault or sign any insurance forms before speaking to an attorney. If possible, take photos of your injuries and the damage to your vehicle. Keep and make copies of any insurance, police, or medical documents pertinent to the accident. Most importantly, if you are injured in or near Los Angeles, speak to an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer as quickly as possible.