If you are filing – or if you’re thinking about filing – a new Social Security disability (SSD) claim, or if you are appealing the denial of a claim, you’ll need to begin compiling information about your disability at the earliest possible date. Important documents that you’ll need to back up your disability claim will include:
1. Your medical records and any other medical paperwork regarding your disability, including charts, exam results, and prescriptions and how they impacted your condition.
2. Your work history, including the jobs you’ve held in the last 15 years and details about the work. You’ll also be asked to provide records of the hours you worked, rates of pay, and how frequently you performed basic tasks.
Whenever you’re dealing with the Social Security Administration regarding disability benefits, the more information you have, the more likely you are to be successful. The Social Security Administration requires particular records when they first evaluate your claim and again whenever they hear appeals regarding denial of disability benefits or disputes over the dollar amount of benefits. A good disability lawyer will also need access to your medical and employment records so that you can be properly and aggressively represented.
SSD benefits are based on your age and your earnings during your years of employment. The more you made, the more your benefit is, up to a limit. If you are applying for disability benefits, an experienced Social Security disability attorney can enhance your case with strong evidence, expert testimony, and quality legal counsel. An experienced disability attorney will direct you step-by-step through the application procedure and will work hard to win the financial benefits that are rightfully yours. If you are disabled and you cannot work, do yourself a favor and speak to a good Social Security disability lawyer as soon as possible.