Work Injuries

Heat Illness At The Workplace

Device Will Slow Down Big Trucks

Anyone who labors outdoors in California should know that the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health – known as “Cal/OSHA” – has established comprehensive heat-related illness prevention regulations for California workers. Now that summer is hitting its full stride, California employees who work outside are at risk for heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and other heat-related medical conditions. California employers must be in compliance with the state’s heat safety regulations. If you’ve suffered a heat-related injury or illness at work in southern California, speak right away with an experienced Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney. You may be able to receive reimbursement for your medical expenses and lost wages.

Employers with outdoor employees must provide water and a shaded area for rest breaks so that workers may cool down frequently. All onsite employees and supervisors should be trained in heat illness prevention. Outdoor employees should be encouraged frequently to drink plenty of water. Businesses with outdoor employees should also have a heat illness response plan that explains how to react to a worker exhibiting signs of a heat illness. Even if there are no heat-related worker complaints, employers are responsible to provide shade, rest, and water to outdoor employees. If you work outside, and if you’re injured or fall ill because your employer has not taken these safety precautions, get advice promptly from a good workers’ compensation lawyer.

Anyone working outdoors in California should become familiar with the Cal/OSHA regulations regarding work in hot weather. If a California worker suffering a heat-related illness requires medical treatment and becomes unable to work, even temporarily, that worker may have grounds to seek workers’ compensation benefits. If you’ve sustained a heat-related injury or illness at work, protect your health and your future, and seek immediately the legal advice you need from an experienced Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney.