Workers' Compensation

Introduction To Workers’ Compensation

Introduction To Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation cares for workers hurt on the job or workers who catch a disease due to their job. It works like this: when workers are injured on the job, rather than file a lawsuit, they may file a claim for workers’ compensation (formerly known as “workman’s compensation”).

Workers’ comp was created to assist those sick or injured because of their job environment or work conditions. Unfortunately, workers’ compensation is often unfair to sick or injured workers. All employed Americans should strive to learn about the workers’ compensation system in their state. To win a claim, a worker really should hire a workers’ compensation attorney. A good workers’ comp lawyer has experience in his or her state, knows the ins and outs of the system, and can help you file your claim in a proper and timely fashion.

Normally, the benefits provided by workers’ comp comprise medical treatment and a portion of the worker’s wages in exchange for not filing a formal lawsuit (except in instances of excessive negligence). To qualify for workers’ compensation, you must meet two criteria: You must be employed by a company with workers’ compensation insurance, and you must be injured or contract an illness at work or through work-related duties.

Specific injuries are covered by workers’ comp vary depending on the state, but in a general sense, any significant injury caused at your worksite or by work-related duties will be covered. Scrapes, cuts, or anything that can be completely treated with a first-aid kit usually will not be covered.

A minor chemical spill that causes a single, brief headache will probably not be covered, but if you are exposed to something that causes frequent headaches, you are likely eligible to make a claim. Injuries suffered while commuting to or from work, while away from the jobsite at lunch, or caused by fighting, horseplay, or drug or alcohol abuse are almost never covered by workers’ compensation.

If you believe you have a work-related injury or illness, speak at once with an experienced worker’s comp attorney. A good workers’ compensation lawyer will help you through the process and fight diligently for the compensation you deserve.