In the United States, workers who are genuinely disabled should have easier access to disability benefits and medical care. Unfortunately, the disability benefit system administered by the Social Security Administration does not always provide quick, easy access. In the most extreme cases, disabled workers who are entitled to benefits wait for years to receive a payment. Your case probably won’t take quite that long, but you will need patience, and in southern California, you’ll need the help of an experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney. You can also boost your chances of being approved for disability benefits by adhering to these recommendations.
- Ask your personal doctor to support your disability case. Have your doctor complete a detailed statement as to why you are disabled and unable to work.
- Include copies of your updated medical records when you first apply for benefits and every time you appeal.
- Respond promptly to information requests and keep appointments for medical exams.
- Don’t miss any deadlines – stay on top of your disability claim.
- Establish good relations with those working on your claim, including the claims rep at your local Social Security office, the disability claims examiner at the Disability Determination Service Division, and your attorney.
- Make certain that you work from the start with an experienced Social Security disability attorney. A good disability lawyer will ensure that your paperwork is accurate and complete – any mistakes could delay or even entirely derail your claim. A good Social Security disability lawyer handles cases like yours routinely and knows what it takes to win. Understand, however, that the system is slow and even the best attorney can’t make the federal government move faster. Nevertheless, working with an experienced Social Security disability attorney is the best path for those who need to receive benefits.
Applying for and obtaining disability benefits is a long process, so if you’re disabled and unable to work in southern California, your wisest move is to call an experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney right now and get the process started today.