Social Security

Social Security Work Credits And Disability

Temporary Disability From Workers Compensation

Social Security Disability (SSD) provides monthly financial assistance to the disabled. The program is managed by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Only people who have a disability and who meet precise medical criteria may qualify for benefits. Social Security Disability Insurance pays only if you are “insured,” meaning that you have worked and paid Social Security taxes long enough – and recently enough – to be eligible.

You can earn up to four Social Security “work credits” credits a year. Social Security work credits are determined by your total annual wages or self-employment income. The amount of income you need to obtain a credit may change each year as well. As of 2013, you receive one credit for each $1,160 in wages or self-employment income. When you’ve made $4,640, you’ve earned your four credits for 2013.

The total number of credits you will need to qualify for disability benefits is based on how old you are when you are disabled. Most workers will require forty credits, with twenty of them in your last ten working years. Some younger workers with fewer credits may also be eligible for benefits.

Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be an arduous and anxiety-producing procedure. Getting some help from an experienced disability attorney may boost your chances of receiving benefits by helping you properly and correctly file the application forms, assuring that deadlines are met, and representing you at hearings.

The number of people applying for SSD benefits is increasing, so it’s harder now for truly disabled persons to obtain a favorable judgment from the SSA concerning their disability claim. Denial rates for initial applications have surpassed sixty percent, so many of the disabled are confused about their options and aren’t ready to pursue any further their claim for benefits that are legally theirs.

If your disability application was denied, or if you are in any stage of the application process, your wisest course of action is to seek the counsel of an experienced disability attorney who can help you understand how Social Security makes its decisions regarding disability.

A good Social Security disability lawyer can also help you compile the evidence you need and meet with the experts who can help you receive benefits. It can be a lengthy process, so if you need disability benefits, get started by contacting a Social Security disability attorney immediately.