Social Security

The Top Eight Mistakes Disability Applicants Make

Social Security

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits is a lengthy and complicated procedure. As soon as you become disabled and unable to work, talk with an experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney about obtaining benefits. Then, improve your chances for a favorable outcome by avoiding these eight common mistakes that so many disability applicants make:

1. Failing to obtain medical treatment for either physical or emotional problems: You must have a demonstrable medical condition that is disabling, and you must have the medical records and documents to prove it.

2. Failing to include all of your impairments, including mental conditions, when you apply for disability benefits.

3. Continuing to work full-time while your application for benefits is pending.

4. Taking “no” for an answer when your initial application is denied by failing to appeal.

5. Missing the appeal deadline.

6. Failing to prepare adequately for a Social Security disability hearing before an Administrative Law Judge: Your attorney can help you with the preparation you’ll need.

7. Assuming that you cannot afford the help and services of an experienced disability attorney.

8. Beginning the application process without the help of a good disability attorney. In southern California, as soon as you are disabled and unable to work, discuss your case at once with an experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney.

If you haven’t yet applied, if your first disability application was denied, or if you are at any stage of the application process, seek the counsel of an experienced disability attorney who can help you understand how Social Security makes decisions about disabilities. A good Social Security disability lawyer can usually help you to prove to the Social Security Administration that you are eligible for benefits. It can be a long process, so start today by contacting an experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney.