Workers' Compensation

Workers’ Compensation Attorney California – Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino

Concurrent Claims

In every state, employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance reimburses an injured employee’s medical expenses including doctor’s office visits, hospital bills, lab examinations, x-rays, physical therapy, prescription medications, and other reasonable expenses. An employee who is injured in the workplace in southern California may receive either temporary disability benefits or permanent disability benefits through workers’ compensation. An experienced Los Angeles workers compensation attorney can help you determine if you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits and help you through the application process; if you’ve been injured, don’t hesitate to call today. If you’re genuinely injured at work, you are legally entitled to workers’ compensation payments.

Temporary workers’ compensation benefits are paid for up to two years from the time a worker is injured on the job. Permanent workers’ compensation benefits may be paid if an on-the-job injury results in a permanent disability. If you file a claim for permanent workers’ compensation benefits, a claims administrator will rate that claim based on your occupation, your age, and your projected future earning capacity. The claims administrator then uses that rating to determine the amount of your permanent benefits. You have the right to appeal that determination, and a good workers’ compensation lawyer can help. Death benefits are also available to the survivors of workers who have died due to a job-related injury or illness. A California workers’ compensation lawyer can assist families seeking those benefits.

If you’re injured on the job, speak to a good workers’ compensation law as quickly as you can. Applying for workers’ compensation benefits can be a lengthy and complicated procedure, so it is imperative speak to a good attorney as early as possible. In the southern California area, get the legal advice and help you need by consulting with an experienced Los Angeles workers compensation attorney as soon as you’ve received medical treatment for your injury.